CoVid-19 Update

As our community navigates thru the Covid-19 crisis, life and work cannot come to a halt in the ranching community. The crew here at Broadus Boot & Tack would like to share the things we are doing to mitigate the potential spread of the virus. We are committed to serving our customers while taking practical precautions throughout our operation. This includes making sure we are protecting the health and well-being of our staff and applying CDC workplace safety actions throughout the store building and feed sheds. We are disinfecting commonly touched surfaces, maintaining safe distances, and washing our hands often. If you feel at all unwell, we ask that you please stay home. We encourage customers to call ahead, as much as possible, so that we can have orders ready when they arrive. We would also be willing to deliver supplies, as our time allows. We have reopened our storefront as of May 11, 2020. At this time only 2 customers can be inside the store at any one time to ensure proper distancing can be maintained. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Please do call us if you have questions, 436-2350.  We will all get through this together. Thanks for your support.